Saturday, October 31, 2009

We're Bored, Bingo & Fishing

We're been pretty bored over the last few days. Nothing is happening here in Mae Sai, Thailand. It's pretty quiet at this small border town.

Many folks are getting ready for the upcoming holiday, Loy Krathong.

Loy Krathong is a religious event which happens every year on the full moon of the 12th lunar month (This year it's the first full moon of November). Most Thai people buy or make a "KRATHONG". It is made of styrofoam surrounded by banana leaves, with flowers and a candle in the middle. Then in the evening, Thai people go to places where there is a river or a pond to launch their "KRATHONG".

They also have a BIG parade so everyone works to make floats for the parade.

This year the full moon is Monday, November 2nd. Many folks in Thailand go to the family homes to celebrate, much like the folks in America do at Thanksgiving. We'll tell you more about Loy Krathong in the next few days.

In the mean time, we have been hanging out eating and playing BINGO. Yep, BINGO right here on the Myanmar (Burma) border. They play for a Thai Baht or two a board. (1 Thai Baht = 3 US cents).

When Daeng is lucky she will win 20 to 30 TB an afternoon, big money!

Fishing is also something that many folks do here.

Yesterday, I went with the girls to fish at a "pay as you go" fishing place.

You rent poles for 10 TB (30 cents) and buy a pail of bait for 15 TB. Then everyone hangs out eating and drinking, soda and potato chips for us kids. Oh, we fished, too.

We spent about four hours and everyone caught fish, some big and some small.

We kept 3.8 kg (8 1/2 pounds) of fish which we had to pay 40 TB a Kg. Like I said, it's a "pay as you go" place.

We did have a good time at a total cost with pole, soda, chips, 2 pails of bait and over eight pounds of fish was 279 TB ($8.45 USD).

The six of us hopped on two motorbikes and drove back to the house for a fish fry.

Hlong, Daeng's sister, cleaned the fish.

Daeng started the charcoal fire.

I hung out to eat the fish. The fish were delicious!
Happy Halloween to everyone in America! Save us some candy as we'll be back to the USA in a month.

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